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quarterly data中文是什么意思

用"quarterly data"造句"quarterly data"怎么读"quarterly data" in a sentence


  • 季度资料


  • Secondly , the author firstly demonstrates that the demand regulatory policy could keep the currency value correspondingly stable and make economy go up more quickly , employing the image diagram of curves . and then the author effectively demonstrates that the relativity of between price , output and monetary aggregates is closer , employing co - integrated theory , the vec ( vector error correction ) model and the variance decomposition method for analyzing quarterly data from 1996 to the third quarter of 2005
    其次,在运用形象的曲线图分析现阶段需求管理政策可以使我国在保持币值相对稳定的条件下实现经济较快增长的基础上,运用协整检验、 vec (向量误差校正)模型和方差分解方法分析了1996年以来货币供应量、物价和产出的季度时间序列,有力地论证了货币供应量与物价、产出间具有较强的相关性。
  • The current data on balance of payments , international investment position , or flow of funds accounts have two major short - comings - low frequency of quarterly data and limited breakdown of data by currency , sector , instrument etc . the bis , imf and oecd are examples of institutions which have made some attempts to collate relevant statistics but they are far from complete or timely
用"quarterly data"造句  
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